Everything You Need to Know About Ireland

Ireland is i of the world's nigh pop travel destinations for a reason. And while the Emerald Island is a relatively easy place to visit, there are still a few Ireland travel tips that you should know in gild to make the almost of your visit to this enchanted country – especially if information technology's your first fourth dimension visiting Republic of ireland!

I'chiliad a full time traveler who has been to over seventy countries. And, while I usually prefer less popular destinations, I accept to admit that Ireland has captured my heart. To help other travelers fall in love with the Emerald Isle besides, I put together these quick things to know before traveling to Ireland. Hopefully these tips for visiting Ireland will help you to make the most out of your Irish gaelic trip!

Oh, and, be sure to also check out my Ireland Itinerary and my guide to Ireland travel insurance.

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17 Travel Tips and Things to Know About Ireland

Tip #1 – Be Prepared for Every Season … In the Same Day!

Traveling in Ireland Tips - The winds at Cliffs of Mohrer on my face
My hair doesn't commonly look this adept – that's simply the crazy weather in Republic of ireland!

Ireland is famous for its damp but unpredictable climate. It can exist brilliant and sunny one minute, and windy and rainy the next. Then be certain to pack for multiple climates, wear layers, and to always keep a raincoat or a travel umbrella nearby. You should always expect that it might rain, even on a sunny twenty-four hours. Most importantly, keep a good attitude through information technology all: the shifting weather is all role of the fun of traveling to Ireland, and all the pelting is why Ireland is so dark-green and lush!

Tip #2 – Know the Difference Betwixt Ireland and Northern Ireland

Cartoon map showing Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland

Republic of ireland is the proper noun of Europe'south 2nd populous island, and it is home to both the Republic of Republic of ireland and Northern Ireland. The latter is much smaller and, depending upon who you ask, Northern Island has been described every bit either a state or province. The important matter to remember is that Northern Ireland is role of the United Kingdom, which ways that you lot'll have to cross a border to get there from the Democracy of Ireland.

Tip #3 – You May Need Euros and Pounds

Ok, so nosotros only went over how the Republic of Ireland and Northern Republic of ireland are in separate countries. And then this next Ireland travel tip logically flows from that: the two use different currencies! Northern Ireland uses the Pound sterling, while the Republic of Republic of ireland uses the Euro. Fortunately, ATMs and currency exchanges are widely available on both sides of the border – and credit cards are pretty widely accustomed to boot – so currency should be a pretty frictionless experience for virtually travelers.

Tip #iv – Don't Forget Travel Insurance Covering Republic of ireland

Traveling was fraught with risk even before the global wellness crisis, only these days yous really don't want to take any chances. While travel to Ireland is very safe, and criminal offense rates are quite low, yous never know what might happen in a foreign country. That's why I personally chose to get Ireland travel insurance. I used a company called World Nomads, which is a pop brand I've used for years, but exist certain to practice your own enquiry!

Tip #5 – A Week is the Perfect Corporeality of Time for Ireland

People walking on a street in Dublin at night
Dublin by night. (photograph: raagoon / 123rf)

There are then many things to do in Republic of ireland that you could easily spend an entire calendar month on the isle and never get bored. Merely most tourists to Ireland visit for an average of nigh vii days, which I happen to think is more or less the perfect amount of fourth dimension to soak in the Emerald Isle. If you need assist planning your itinerary, check out my pre-planned 7 solar day Ireland itinerary – I've already done all the piece of work for y'all!

Tip #6 – Resist the Temptation to Spend All Your Fourth dimension in Dublin

Traveling in Ireland Tips: Buildings in Killarney
Killarney – ane of many cool destinations exterior Dublin!

Look, Dublin is a popular tourist city for a reason. It's got an incredible pub culture, charming architecture, and enough to keep you decorated for a few days. Dublin is so charming, in fact, that it can exist tempting to spend your unabridged trip at that place. There is but and then much to exercise, fifty-fifty on rainy days in Dublin (of which there are many), that the city tends to suck people in.

Just even virtually Dubliners volition privately admit, if asked for tips for traveling to Ireland, that the best parts of Ireland are outside of the city. And while the isle is small and it is perfectly possible to sample Ireland'south green landscapes on solar day trips from Dublin, to really immerse yourself in Republic of ireland yous should plan to stay in any 1 of Ireland'due south other crawly cities, towns, villages, or hamlets.

Plus, Dublin is more expensive than the rest of the country, and yous'll observe better deals in the countryside. If you demand some inspiration, bank check out our guide on what to run across in Ireland in 7 days.

Tip #vii – Relish the Craic!

Tips for Traveling to Ireland: Pubs in Killarney
"Enjoy the Craic" at one of Ireland's many pubs (Pictured here: the Accolade pub in Killarney)!

You lot won't be in Ireland long earlier you hear the discussion "craic" bandied about somewhere. Then what does it mean exactly? Well, I've heard a number of different translations depending on context, but it usually means something similar "expert times," "party," or "entertainment," though information technology tin can besides mean "gossip" or "chatter." See here for a primer on the various levels of craic – information technology's definitely one of the things y'all should know before traveling to Ireland!

In any event, craic epitomizes Republic of ireland'southward sociable civilization. So saddle up on that pub stool, put away your smartphone, and gear up to really — y'all know — talk to the people effectually y'all. You lot never know what kind of craic y'all might become into!

Tip #8 – Try Ireland's Other Stout – Murphy's

Tips for Traveling to Ireland: a Pint of Guinness
Guinness isn't the only stout in Ireland!

I don't think there is a brand that is more than intertwined with a single civilization than Guinness is with Republic of ireland. And Guinness, for all its mass-marketing, is even so definitely something you'll want to partake in while in Ireland. But did y'all know that in that location is another stout that rivals Guinness in Republic of ireland?

Murphy'south Irish Stout maintains a loyal following throughout much of the country, and especially in its hometown of Cork. You tin can notice information technology next to the Guinness in most Irish pubs and you'll observe that information technology has its ain unique dark season. People tend to have a strong preference betwixt the two stouts, so endeavour both early on and be prepared to cull a side in the great Irish stout war!

Tip #9 – Go to the Cliffs of Moher, Just Get Early!

Woman taking a photo of the Cliffs of Moher
Get here early on for the best shots!

The Cliffs of Moher are the most pop attraction in Ireland for a reason, and you should definitely visit. But, if you tin can, attempt to time your visit to the Cliffs of Moher so that you get in right at eight am when they open, before the bout buses showtime to roll in. You lot'll exist less likely to have to fight with another tourist for that perfect Instagram shot!

Tip #x – Tip 10-15% in Irish Restaurants and Pubs

Euro coins and a check
If you lot forget cash, most places in Ireland exercise accept credit card!

Ireland does not have as heavy of a tipping culture as you'd find in the The states, just it's even so customary to leave 10-fifteen% of your tab for service at a eating place or pub. Annotation that sometimes for large groups a service charge will already be added. For taxis, tipping is usually not mandatory or expected, though it never hurts to round up the tab.

Tip #11 – Tourism in Republic of ireland is Highly Seasonal

Planning a trip to Ireland is very different during the summer peak tourism seasons versus the less popular winter. Typically, July and August are the tiptop months for Ireland's tourism flavour. If you choose to visit Republic of ireland during this fourth dimension, you might observe it a little pricier and you lot definitely volition want to book your hotel in accelerate. Alternatively, considering visiting Ireland during shoulder flavor (Apr, May, June, September or Oct), which prices are a flake lower and attractions a bit less crowded. The weather is still ok though (well, as "ok" equally information technology gets in a state that's constantly overcast). Notation that if you travel Republic of ireland in the wintertime months you may detect some of the more than rural attractions to be closed or have limited hours, though the major sites should all exist open.

Tip #12 – Ireland Has v International Airports to Cull From

View of outside of the Shannon Airport
The Shannon Airport. (photograph: upthebanner / 123rf)

If you're looking for inexpensive flights to Ireland, y'all're probably but pricing out flights to the Dublin airport. One of my favorite Ireland travel tips is to be sure to also wait at flights from the isle's other international airports: Cork Airdrome, Shannon Airport, Knock Airdrome, and Belfast Airport. Sure, there are loads more flights to Dublin, but some of the culling airports besides run direct routes to the U.s.a., so information technology's worth checking!

Tip #13 – You Can Travel Republic of ireland Even on a Upkeep

Sure, Republic of ireland isn't the cheapest identify to travel in the earth. But, equally destinations in Europe go, Ireland is surprisingly manageable for budget travelers. There is a pretty salubrious backpacking circuit, plus lots of students studying abroad, and then that means that virtually of the major cities have hostels and upkeep inns that cater to the shoestring budget crowd. If y'all have public send (Ireland has a pretty great bus system), cook your ain food, and stay in hostel dorms, yous could reasonably get by in Republic of ireland for as piddling as l euros per day.

Tip #14 – Rent a Car to Fully Feel Ireland'southward Countryside

Traveling to Ireland Tips: A Cow

Certain, information technology'southward entirely possible to travel around Ireland by bus and railroad train. Public transport in Ireland is pretty skillful. The trains are really prissy and, fifty-fifty where they don't run, the buses are pretty plentiful. Plus, there are plenty of tour companies willing to shuttle you effectually to the state's many sites. And then, renting a car in Republic of ireland isn't mandatory.

But the best parts of your trip to Republic of ireland are probably going to be things like finding your new favorite pub in some random state hamlet, stumbling upon an nether-touristed castle ready against green rolling hills, or doing a route trip to explore the many incredible Game of Thrones filming locations in Ireland. These sort of spontaneous adventures are much easier to have if yous have your own wheels. Plus, Ireland'due south roads are of skillful quality and are incredibly breathtaking. There is null quite equally exciting as driving through Ireland's green countryside!

If you lot demand a machine rental, I suggest using Discover Cars. It's like a search engine that pulls quotes from many unlike rental agencies, and lets you compare prices and client reviews of those agencies.

Tip #15 – Bulldoze on the Left Mitt Side!

A road in Connemara
A road virtually Connemara, Ireland

Oh, and one concluding disquisitional tip for traveling to Ireland with a motorcar: remember they drive on the left side of the route in Ireland (both the Republic of Republic of ireland and Northern Ireland). It'll require an adjustment if yous're used to driving on the correct, but yous tin can totally handle it!!

Tip #xvi – And Look to Your Right When Crossing

Equally a corollary to our previous travel tip, crossing the street in Ireland means turning your caput to expect to the right. If you're coming from a right-side driving state, yous might be instinctively used to looking left, and so this is one of those Republic of ireland travel tips y'all'll have to remind yourself of for safety's sake!

Tip #17 – English is Non the Only Language in Republic of ireland

Irish road sign in English and Gaelic

No, don't worry: you'll be able to go by just fine with your English in Republic of ireland, which is a predominately English-speaking isle (although I'll admit I've ofttimes had to strain to sympathize the Irish gaelic accent). But y'all should be aware that in the Republic of Ireland both English and Gaelic are considered official languages under the land'south Constitution. So don't be surprised to find signs in roads or shops that are in both English and Gaelic!

Common Questions About Travel to Ireland

What is the best calendar month to travel in Ireland?

The near pop months to travel Ireland are July and August, which are the acme season for tourism. You lot may be able to find better deals, and fewer crowds, during shoulder season: April to June, and confronting from September to November.

How should I travel in Ireland?

There are many ways to travel around Republic of ireland. One popular option is to rent a motorcar and drive yourself. Alternatively, Ireland has a robust public transit system with many buses and trains, making it a fairly accessible place to travel without a car.

What should I avoid in Republic of ireland?

At that place are few places in Ireland that require avoiding, and just most all of Ireland is worth a visit if y'all accept time. In terms of common taboos, avoid incorrectly referring to the Democracy of Ireland as part of Great Great britain or the United Kingdom.

Is travel to Ireland safety?

Ireland is insufficiently safe country to visit, with relatively low crime levels compared to other countries in Europe. Be certain to check the latest public wellness situation and consider getting travel insurance for Ireland.

Can you drink the tap h2o in Republic of ireland?

Ireland has pretty clean h2o, and it is by and large safe to drink from the tap in Ireland's cities. If yous are visiting a rural surface area, exist sure to inquire around to brand sure that drinking tap water is prophylactic, every bit water quality may vary locally.

Is Ireland expensive to visit?

Ireland is a relatively expensive state to visit, just information technology is also budget friendly at the same time. If you are willing to stay in hostels, use public transport, and cook your own food, it is possible to travel Ireland for every bit little as 50 euros per day.


That's it for this list of things to know earlier your trip to Ireland. Allow me know your best tips for traveling to Republic of ireland in the comments. And exist sure to let me know if you have any questions nigh visiting Ireland, things to know when traveling to Ireland, or just general tips for traveling to Ireland. It's an incredible, gorgeous country, and I hope you accept as much fun there as I did.

Lastly, earlier y'all go to Republic of ireland, my final tip is to be certain to read my Guide to Ireland in 7 Days! It's packed with detailed itineraries, plus loads of more than things to know well-nigh traveling to Ireland.


Source: https://travellemming.com/tips-for-traveling-to-ireland/

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